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Extra Curricular Activities

  • During the 2017-2018 school year, I helped to coach the Girls Varsity Volleyball Team as an Assistant Coach and Girls Middle School Volleyball Team as the Head Coach. I was very eager and excited to help contribute and improve a portion of the athletics program at ISNS. Volunteering many hours of my time after school and on the weekends benefitted and pushed me in many ways. I was placed into a leadership role as a coach, challenging myself to practice my communication and modeling skills. I learned how to effectively manage my time and preparation in the classroom, as practices were right after school.


  • My favorite part of contributing to the ISNS athletics program, was getting the opportunity to know and learn from MYP and DP students. It was amazing getting to know each and every one of the volleyball players and watching them grow on a daily basis. I learned so much from the student athletes and I hope that I made just as large of an impact on their lives, as they did for me. I look forward to coaching again next year!

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