My Teaching Philosophy
My goal as a teacher is that all of my students will walk into our classroom with a positive attitude about learning. Our lessons will go deep into the curriculum in ways that make learning relevant and meaningful for all students. I want my students to feel safe and comfortable within our classroom. Students will be curious, respectful and help one another. The curriculum and lessons will be adapted for all learner’s benefits. I will allow my students the opportunity to see mistakes and imperfections as part of the learning process. I will use praise and encourage students with phrases that promote a growth mindset.
Subject matter will be taught in a variety of ways to keeps students engaged; whole group, small group, centers, and allow for collaboration. Our lessons will be very interactive and hands on, allowing for greater student input. I will be patient and understanding, because although every student can learn, it may not be within the same day or in the same way. All students will be supported academically and socially within our classroom. I will take the time to get to know each and every one of my students and remember that everyone has a different story.