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Planning and Preparation: 1e Designing Coherent Instruction
Concept-Based Learning
Content focuses on the facts. Concepts focus on making sense of those facts and the world around us.
  • During the 2018-2019 school year, my Grade 2 team decided that we wanted to do more for our students within our units of inquiry. We had mini PD sessions each week to learn about Concept-Based learning. It completely changed the way I plan and view our units of inquiry. 


  • Little by little, we began to change how we planned for each unit and focused on the concepts. I learned that by focusing on concepts, we can organize our ideas and make sense of the learning. Everything within our units now had a specific purpose and more learning occurred. As teachers, we can't possibly teach our students everything that is important. What we can do is teach students the big ideas. Concept-based learning is a great framework to learn. Content can change, but concepts stay the same. 

Concept-Based Units of Inquiry
Endangered Animals
The Scientific Process
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